Israel at war: Will Hezbollah join the conflict? 3 reasons it's hesitant

Post Content
2023-10-13 00:06:42

What is a no-fly zone and why is the West hesitant to grant one?

President Volodymyr Zelensky has made repeated calls on Western countries to "close the skies" over Ukraine since Russia's invasion. See how much it would increase safety for civilians, and why Zelensky continues to ask for a no-fly zone, despite the West's repeated refusals to grant one.
2022-03-30 15:24:36

Here's why the once vaccine hesitant are changing their minds

There's a Herculean effort to ensure that the most vulnerable get inoculated across the US.
2021-10-13 05:05:46

Why are some footballers vaccine hesitant & what happens next?

With the Premier League, club managers, politicians and football authorities all encouraging vaccinations, why are some players still hesitant - and what can be done?
2021-10-06 14:06:43

Kyrsten Sinema's politics may be unnecessarily moderate

Democratic hopes for passing big legislation through the Senate rely on Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. Both have made things difficult for Senate Democrats because they are moderates who have been hesitant to pass big spending packages.
2021-10-03 19:05:42

Man's last text: 'I should have gotten the damn vaccine'

Jessica DuPreez talks with John Berman about her 39- year-old fiance who died from Covid-19. She discusses why they didn't get vaccinated, and how she thinks the shot could have saved the father of her kids.
2021-08-02 20:05:41

Rover promises a network of 'trusted sitters and dog walkers.' That wasn't enough to save these pets

Like many new pandemic pet owners, Nia Morgan knew her puppy, Zorro, had grown very attached to her due to all the time she spent at home with him. So she was understandably hesitant about leaving him for the first time with a sitter she'd hired through Rover, a popular platform for booking dog and cat sitters.
2021-07-30 14:05:41

Why are Games officials so hesitant to allow Olympic protests?

The Tokyo Olympics -- after a long delay -- are finally happening.
2021-07-24 09:05:41

Covid India: Women in rural Bihar hesitant to take vaccines

Experts say fear and misinformation is fuelling the problem in the northern state of Bihar.
2021-07-01 03:06:15

Surgeon general: Misinformation the greatest threat to Covid vaccination efforts

With a dangerous Covid-19 variant on the rise, health experts are urging people who are still hesitant to get their vaccinations. But the US Surgeon General warns a big obstacle stands in their way: Misinformation.
2021-06-25 09:05:42

There may be trouble ahead as dangerous Covid-19 variant appears to cause hospitalization spike in at least one state, expert warns

Health officials are pouring their effort into convincing those still hesitant to get vaccinated against Covid-19, but none of the strategies appear to be a "Hail Mary pass" to get the US to reach President Joe Biden's vaccination goal and curb spreading variants.
2021-06-22 11:05:43

America's unmasking brings liberation but also trepidation as huge questions loom

Americans stripped off their masks Thursday as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the sudden announcement that vaccinated people no longer need to wear them indoors or outdoors. It was a great moment of liberation after a year of intense stress and fear, but also one of trepidation for many as the policy created a whole new set of complex questions for parents, employers, business owners and the millions of Americans who are still hesitant to get shots.
2021-05-14 08:05:45

The Americans hesitant about the Covid vaccine

For the US to achieve herd immunity, it needs to convince two big groups to get the jab.
2021-05-04 03:06:09

Some young Americans are hesitant about getting a Covid-19 shot. Here's why that's an issue for all Americans

Experts have made it clear: to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, America needs to get vaccinated.
2021-04-29 11:06:17

Covid: Tennis bodies urge hesitant players to get vaccine

A number of the world's top players have said they do not wish to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
2021-04-01 22:06:47

Hear what changed Trump voters' minds about vaccine

CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks with former CDC director, Tom Frieden, about a recent focus group conducted by a Republican pollster consisting of vaccine-hesitant Trump voters, who spoke about why they are reluctant to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.
2021-03-16 03:05:43

Kovács Zoltán: Három ok, miért nem szavazta meg a parlament Svédország NATO-felvételét

Három okot jelölt meg szerdán Kovács Zoltán nemzetközi kommunikációért és kapcsolatokért felelős államtitkár, hogy szerinte miért hezitál joggal a magyar parlament Svédország NATO-tagfelvételének ratifikálásával kapcsolatban. Az államtitkár az érveit az About Hungary című angol nyelvű kormánylapon vezetett blogján fejtette ki az alábbiak szerint: Svédország folyamatos aláássa a kapcsolatokat, omladozik az erkölcsi felsőbbrendűség trónja, hiányzik a figyelem és a tisztelet. Kovács Zoltán a drámai hangvételű közleményben úgy fogalmazott: Miközben pusztít az ukrajnai háború, a folyamatos viszályk...
2023-03-29 12:08:43


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